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Three Things You Didn't Know About The Beatles

Three things you didn't know about The Beatles:

Number one: The Beatles were trying to do a film adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the rings.

They approached Stanley Kubrick to direct the feature and wanted to star themselves with John Lennon as Gollum, Paul McCartney as Frodo, Ringo as Sam, and George Harrison as Gandalf! Hehe. However, J.R.R. wasn't too thrilled and pulled out from giving them the rights to film feature his books.

Number two: Ringo Played a Solo only once on a Beatles record!

Yes you heard that right! The only solo Ringo ever played on a Beatles record was on The End, a short lived six bar solo yet played so eloquently. And that's it. That was the only timer.

Number Three: "Yesterday" came to Paul McCartney in a Dream.

Yes. Paul McCartney confessed several times that the most covered song in history came to him in a dream. He had to play instantly on piano after waking up so not to forget. He was even doubtful if the song was somebody else's that stuck to his subconscious. However after confirming that it was original, he went for the recording.

The Beatles . Lord of the Rings


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